• Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or related subject.
• Min. 3 years of working experience.
• Programming language: Golang (w/w.o any framework)
• Understand pointer and memory management
• Proficient in MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, REST API, JSON
• Experience in containerized app (docker, swarm, etc)
• Experience in linux cloud server management (AWS, GCP, DigitalOcean, etc)
• Experience in Nginx and load balancer
• Experience in API documentation (Postman / Insomnia)
Job Description
• Handles all back-end development and maintenance are delivered according to the time
plan given
• Up to date with the latest backend technology and test your own code to meet the
requirements to improve them by time, maintain robustness, usability, reliability
1. Saat memilih lowongan, pastikan semua data/berkas yang diupload sudah benar.
2. Peserta yang lulus seleksi berkas/administrasi akan diberikan invitation untuk proses seleksi lanjutan melalui kontak/email yang sudah terdaftar pada job platform (simonas).
3. Proses seleksi lanjutan akan diselenggarakan saat Event Digiers Day 21 Desember 2022 di Jakarta.
4. Kandidat menyiapkan tools/perlengkapan secara mandiri.
5. Proses dan tahapan seleksi menjadi kewenangan perusahaan.